Your Global Automation Partner



Benefit from digital value creation between shop floor and cloud – with Turck's end-to-end IIoT architecture from a single source


IIoT Connects Worlds: Seamless Data Communication Between Sensor and Cloud 

Digitization is entering more and more industrial sectors. Technologies such as IO-Link, RFID and Ethernet increase the amount of data from the machine environment many times over, and cloud services enable mobile access worldwide. But: How do you extract the information that is really relevant to you from the Internet of Things – without overloading networks or revealing protected content? Turck's answer: With networked sensors, efficient edge controllers and simple cloud solutions – in short, with decentralized automation.

Big Data is filtered specifically to Smart Data via decentralized preprocessing. In this way, you can use parameters, process values or status messages in a targeted and safe manner for the purpose of your application – for example, for condition monitoring. The end-to-end networking of sensors with higher-level IT systems such as clouds, however, opens up many other possibilities. For example, bidirectional communication allows remote access to devices and plant segments, worthwhile for deployments such as global servicing. In addition, high data availability paves the way for completely new processes in production, logistics and supply chain management.

Discover Turck's future-proof IIoT architecture, from rugged sensors, powerful I/O devices and edge controllers to customized cloud applications.

Putting Wheels in Motion: Grasp the Benefits Available

Efficient data transfer

  • Decentralized on-site preprocessing in the Edge enables fast, latency-free responses to events
  • Multiprotocol Ethernet and edge controller technology reduce hardware and network capacity requirements
  • Focusing on relevant data increases transparency in higher-level systems

Future-proof system

  • Open system landscape allows modular design and integration of third-party devices and various clouds
  • Condition data as the basis for predictive maintenance ensure high availability in the long term
  • Integrated networking enables access to machines and controls down to the individual device  

High protection against cyber crime

  • Edge computing reduces data flow to the cloud – leaving sensitive data in the OT network 
  • Kolibri protocol guarantees encrypted and lean communication to the cloud
  • Integrated firewalls and security functions protect against manipulation

Global one-stop shop

  • Complete solution from a single source: From sensors, connection, I/O and network technology to edge controllers and cloud system
  • Sharing with only one competent contact person saves time and guarantees device compatibility
  • International production and distribution network provides worldwide on-site support and services

Webinar: Remote Maintenance with Cloud Solutions

How can Cloud Solutions reduce unplanned downtimes? How can TAS Cloud guarantee data security and give every user the rights he needs? You will get answers to these and other questions from Daniel Kirch, Product Manager Factory Automation Systems in our recorded webinar entitled „Remote Maintenance with Cloud Solutions“.

In this 25-minute webinar you will learn:

  • why transparent machine data can save many service cases
  • how easy and safe remote access via VPN eliminates the need for being on site
  • which devices can be used to monitor your plant
  • if your existing devices are ready for Turck Cloud Solutions with TAS

In the Video: Data Transfer From the Sensor to the Cloud – and Back Again

Follow the continuous communication path between machine level and IT. See where Turck's edge controllers with smart preprocessing ensure efficient data communication

Whitepaper: Bidirectional Communication Opportunities in Industrial Cloud Applications

Deepen your knowledge of communication paths from sensor/actuator level to the cloud. What potential do hardware and software solutions offer both for automation practice and for completely new business models? The free whitepaper has details

Smart Data Suppliers with Advanced Functions

Sensors detect fluids, measure pathways or distances, and detect a wide variety of objects. In short: They generate valuable data that can be used today specifically for machine processes. Take advantage of advanced device functions to keep track e.g. of vibrations or temperature for status monitoring, with just one sensor. Turck's IM18 cabinet controller has even three sensors on board and transmits measured values to the IT environment via Ethernet.

With IO-Link, sensors become active system participants. Thanks to digital communication, users not only obtain better information from sensors and actuators, but can also make it more easily available for applications in MES, ERP and cloud systems. Reading out internal memory, recording states, performing diagnostics or identifying and locating components – such tasks can be solved easily with IO-Link.

Creating Room to Maneuver: Fields of Application of Sensor-to-Cloud Solutions


Sensors not only monitor machine and plant areas, but also provide information about their own health status. In addition to process values, IO-Link devices provide varied status data. Both can be queried at specified intervals to visualize them in the cloud and link them to actions. This allows you to anticipate failures and ensure high availability!

  • Pre-evaluation: Only send information to the cloud when the decentralized edge device has detected a defined anomaly
  • Alarms: Link limit values with actions and, for example, receive automatically sent SMS or e-mail communication and operate via remote access


Bidirectional communication down to sensor/actuator level extends the range of services offered by the cloud. As IO-Link devices output a large volume of additional information such as parameters, position and type numbers, these can not only be stored in the cloud, but also actively returned to the field.

  • Device exchange: Replace a defective sensor and get device settings from the cloud
  • Digital twin: Use sensor data for virtual mapping of the system to simulate processes and to play out learning effects in practice
  • Actions: Trigger automatic re-ordering via cloud-ERP connection or start and stop machines via MES connection


Data transfer between OT and IT environment enables remote access to devices and machines. This allows users to perform rapid interventions via the cloud in place of on-site deployments. In addition, this results in new business models, such as offering remote maintenance globally.

  • Dashboard: Configure a customized cloud interface, visualize data, and remotely intervene in processes where needed
  • Reporting: Create reports on machine conditions for manufacturers and operators
  • Actions: Optimize resource planning via controlled notification of service personnel
  • Remote maintenance: Re-setting and parameterization as required, even without physical access to the machine

Awaken Ideas: End-to-end Data Streams in Practice

In industrial environments, IIoT applications are no longer a vision of the future. Discover new possibilities with digital communication "to the last meter"


For global servicing, Velco relies on remote maintenance via PC or smartphone



I/O module transmits control data as well as information from a vibration sensor



Radio system and temperature/humidity sensors facilitate monitoring with several measuring points



Cloud dashboard provides a central and clear display of machine data



Bidirectional communication supports maintenance personnel during the set-up of IO-Link devices


Find the Right Hardware and Software Solutions


Smart sensor solutions from Turck provide data for almost all areas of industrial automation. Benefit from an extensive IO-Link portfolio that ensures communication "to the last meter", enables rapid commissioning and simplifies condition monitoring.

Edge Controllers with CODESYS

CODESYS simplifies decentralized data preprocessing. It allows you to define what information is to be transferred, and when and where. With Turck's compact I/O modules and controllers in IP67, you can bring logic directly to the machine.

Turck Cloud Solutions

Optimized for industrial use, the Turck cloud solution offers application-specific services for machine and systems engineers. Alternatively, data can be transferred to other clouds such as MS Azure, Alibaba, AWS, or hosted on-premise at your site. Learn more about flexible monitoring and edge controllers with encrypted communication.

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Design industrial processes digitally, remotely control applications as required, and make use of relevant data – this is all possible at the center of the Digital Innovation Park which is constantly being updated.

Experience Turck's latest innovations for Industry 4.0 and IIoT.

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