IIoT and Digital Services

The best is yet to come: TAS IIoT platform

TAS version V1 is only a foretaste of the range of functions of the fully developed IIoT solution. The software platform will offer several digital services and will be continually expanded with every update. TAS will be provided with a connector function for the Turck cloud, by which it can be used as a virtual edge controller on a PC or local server. This will considerably simplify the smart evaluation of production data for condition monitoring and for predictive maintenance even beyond plant boundaries. 

TAS as link between OT and IT worlds

To meet the requirements of an IIoT platform, TAS will also  support the transfer of data via MQTT and OPC UA to higher-level systems, automatic configuration routines for service tasks and many other features. TAS will considerably increase the connectivity of your production system and thus combine OT data and IT data without any barriers.

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