Turcks remote I/O excom will be extended with compact power supplies and backplanes for zone 2 in the first quarter 2012
excom remote I/O with new functions
18/11 – Turcks remote I/O system for zone 1 and 2 allows a validated connection of the field instrumentations to the guidance system during operation
Muelheim, September 28, 2011 – Turck optimized its zone 1 remote I/O system excom for the use in zone 2 and expanded the system functions with new firmware and a new DTM (Device Type Manager). Because of smaller power supplies in modular design and a compact backplane, the system can be installed with even lower space requirement in zone 2. With the help of the new firmware and the new DMT, the excom-system and the connected field instrumentation can be put into operation without prior connection to the process control system. This allows a validated operation and connection between the field installation and the control technology and eliminates potential sources of error from the beginning.
Even during operation the user is able to add new measuring points or modules and test and operate them in the run up, without having to consider changes in the guidance system-engineering. This guarantees that only validated system expansions are connected to the guidance system. Because of the new firmware there is the possibility of updates via communication interface so that new functions can be implemented by excom without downtime. Despite all changes the user can configure and parameterize excom as usual, no matter if the system is used in zone 1 or zone 2.